Friday, April 17, 2015

With Thanks to Our Partners by Elizabeth Mativo

With Thanks to Our Partners 

by Elizabeth Mativo

Happy New Year! We are doing well here at Mbooni. We thank God for His never ending mercies that he has enabled us to see yet another year and a chance to live for Him. This year we continue to testify how the Lord has stood with us from the beginning of the year.

As we look back we continue to thank God for the borehole. It has served as a constant reminder of how God’s love never ends. The taps are constantly running every time someone comes to fetch water. 

We also thank God for the children in the school.  I am glad to see the children reading, because I know for sure if it wasn’t for your support, some would have dropped out by now. I am encouraged when I get to see how well they are doing in school.

Widows Ministry is growing. The women are happy to come and share the word of the Lord and take a small package home. Our faces are filled with joy because of gifts you have shared with us.

We thank God for the chance to share the word of God every weekend with the children on Saturdays and early Sunday morning. Feeding programs have been consistent. 

Children under school sponsorship were reported to have been doing well academically.  I am confident that the selection of the brightest and needy students is given priority.  Their academic performance is quite good, though some children are weak and need a lot of hand holding.

We are trying our best.  Twenty two orphaned children are under school sponsorship; twelve are doing lower primary, seven are in high school, one special child and finally two in university.

Elizabeth with Dennis, one of our university students.
This year we testify of the growth in faith of one of the women, Kalekye, who used to brew illegal local beer.  She changed her ways after Child Arise paid for her bail when she was jailed, as an outreach to an unbeliever.  We continue to encourage her to come to church.  We also managed to buy her a bed so she can now sleep better.
This is where widowed Kalekye lives with her 8 orphaned grandchildren.

One of Kaleyky's 8 orphaned grandchildren outside her home.

Other widows have been of great assistance as far as community work is concerned and also some offer a helping hand on feeding program days.  They have been of great help in instilling discipline at the Sunday School as well.

Christmas, thirty five solar lamps were handed to most needy widowed women and orphaned children.  They are low maintenance thus don’t need batteries. The theme, Matthew 5:14 and John 8:12, was used to encourage families that Jesus should shine in their hearts and they should also become light to others by testifying what the Lord has done for them.

They have seen changes in their lives because of Christ, access to education, clean water, Bibles, farming tools, food, chickens, goats and now with the lamps, they no longer have to suffer through kerosene fumes.

The women also got fertilizers and planting seeds and the usual gift basket of flour, sugar, soap, rice and cooking oil.


Two of the widowed women each got a mattress and two blankets. They used to sleep on rags and thanks to your compassion they were given a better place to sleep. 
A nice new bed, mattress and 2 blankets set up inside her home.

Finally, the beginning of 2015 is here, Philippians 3:14 says “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus”.

I desire more than anything to continue sharing God’s hope in new ways and in new places and I thank you again for partnering with me in this ministry. 

I’m confident that God will continue to guide and provide for our ministry, for your businesses and for our families as we honor Him. 

I thank God for his grace upon my life. I have been well and continue to experience the Lords faithfulness. Thanks for all who constantly send an encouraging message through Dawn or even through a written card. It lifts my spirits up. Thank you for your prayers for me and believing in me. I look forward to your visit this year God willing.

I continue to pray that the Lord will let His will be done in our lives.  I pray for you and love you all.  2015 blessings.

In Him,
Mrs. Elizabeth Mativo 

Prayer Requests

Pray that kids in school perform well and continue to testify of the Lords goodness and faithful this far He has brought them. It’s not by might nor by power but by the spirit that these things have happened in their lives.

We continue to pray for provision of funds for the dining hall as children cannot fit in my compound and sometimes the weather conditions are harsh.

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Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry