Sunday, January 24, 2016

Trials / My Visit to the United States


By Dawn Brown

“The devil is bringing me all kinds of trouble, but God is giving me comfort.”  These are the words I heard from the mouth of our missionary, Elizabeth Mativo when I talked to her just a few days before this writing.

Let me tell you a little bit of what she’s going through since her return to Kenya, mid-December, after her 3 month visit in the USA.

Actually, it started in October while she was still here.  She began getting calls from home, telling her the inside of her house was flooded.  Several months before, there was a large, gaping, separation along the peak of her roof.  In normal rainfall, she would continually soak water up with clothing, as it flowed in from her roof.  
Looking down on Elizabeth's rooftop on the right 2012

While here, El Nino rain began to fall, day and night, starting in mid-October and expected to last through January.  This is very unusual for Mbooni. 

When she returned home, the inside of most of her house was full of water.  There are large cracks all the way through her walls, floor and the gap in the roof has widened.  A hand, pushing on the wall along the whole front of her house, causes movement. It's extremely unstable and unsafe. As the rain continues, the damage to her house worsens. 
One of the many cracks through her wall in December 2015

One of the many cracks through her wall in December 2015

One of the many cracks through her wall in December 2015

One of the many cracks through her wall in December 2015

The front of her house is pulling away from the back of the house.  Because of the shifting, she can no longer close/lock the doors to the outside, leaving her vulnerable in several ways.

Many of you quickly answered the email plea for financial help to rebuild the damaged portion of her house.  It has been a faith builder for my husband and me, as we are overwhelmed with the concern and generosity of God's people who have given sacrificially to her personal need. 
Her livingroom an this hall are part of the house being destroyed.  Picture taken during our 2012 short term trip.

A different view of her living room which is being destroyed.  The blue door will no longer close.  Picture taken during our 2012 short term trip.

This foyer is also being destroyed and the doors will no longer close.  Picture taken during our 2012 short term trip.

If you would like to help, please make a donation to Child Arise and mark your check “house”.  Much more prayer and financial help is still needed.  We hope to start construction as soon as the rain stops, anticipated in February.

Elizabeth loves the orphaned children in her ministry so much.  Three of the girls, who are like her own children, have qualified for high school and she’s thrilled.  The girls do not want to go and don’t see the value of an education passed the 8th grade.  They want to hang around with the boys and get married soon.

She knows that if these girls don’t continue their studies, they are not likely to have better lives for themselves and it will be less feasible for them to help their community.

Older orphaned girls do a lot of the cooking with Elizabeth on the days they share a meal and have their Bible lesson and prayer time.
Young calf.


Elizabeth has had significant health issues as well.  High blood pressure, 160/110, even though she’s already on medication, pneumonia and most recently severe pain in her side/back, which remains undiagnosed.

Livestock is of great worth in her culture, not only the obvious food and financial, but also as a marginalized widow, she gains value in the eyes of others.  Her helper took her calf out and tied it up to eat.  Unfortunately, he didn’t check on the calf and it sunk in the mud and died.  This was hard on her too, because she loves her animals.

“The devil is bringing me all kinds of trouble, but God is giving me comfort.”

My Visit to the United States

by Elizabeth Mativo

I want to thank each of you for your love, prayers and partnership with me and the ministry, Child Arise Kenya Widows and Orphans.  By God’s grace I had the opportunity to come to America and stay for three months to take a break because of the hard work in Mbooni, Kenya.

I had a chance to visit churches, individuals and fellow partners, with whom we have been working together as a team in Kenya.  I had many special times to meet friends and family. I have learned many things.
Thank you Osco Community Church for praying for Elizabeth Mativo and supporting her ministry without ever meeting her before this!

A good visit with old friends at Buffalo Prairie Presbyterian Church.

Homewood Evangelical Free Church, Elizabeth's "home church" away from home.

The most special thing was to be with my family there; my son, Joseph and his family and to visit my daughter, Grace Neema in Atlanta who is in Bible College there.  I was so excited to see them and stay together as a family after a long time.

Faith, Elizabeth and Aaron during much needed family time.

Joseph, Faith, Elizabeth, Neema during much needed family time.  Photo by Aaron

I had a privilege to visit six churches who have been so faithful in supporting the ministry.  Homewood Evangelical Free, Geneseo Evangelical Free, Buffalo Prairie Presbyterian, Calvary of the Quad Cities, Osco Community Church and Grace Evangelical Free.  Oh, I say thank you so much for all your love, support and prayers.

Geneseo Evangelical Free Church, meeting old friends and making new ones.

The kids at Geneseo Evangelical Free Church learn about Kenya and a song in Swahili.

Grace Evangelical Free Church, who first became involved with the fundraising for our borehole.

Calvary Church of the Quad Cities has been supporting Elizabeth's ministry since the start and also supporter her and her late husband, Pastor Onesimus Mativo in the church planting years.
The kids at Buffalo Prairie Presbyterian Church learned about Kenya and how God is using Elizabeth.
I can't forget to say thank you to the bicycle ride team and I was able to meet so many of you who raise support and the women’s team from Homewood who are working together for the feeding center. 

I thank Awana and Natasha from Homewood, Mia from Geneseo, Kendal and Zack, and Morning Star class for supporting children in Kenya with Bibles.

Thank you Gerri and Dick from Wisconsin and Bonnie and Kevin, and all those who came to your houses. Thank you for thinking about the ministry.  So many others who had me in their home.  Thank you!
One of the Homewood Awana Groups.

Elizabeth got to visit Morning Star Academy and meet this class that raised money for Bibles.
We, Child Arise in Kenya, need more partners to join togethre to brin many souls to know The Lord and to make a difference in Mbooni.

Special thanks to Jan Dailing for much prayers and support and to Dawn and Jeff Brown for organizing everything for the ministry.

For those who financially support us, I know you give sacrificially and out of love, trusting in what God has done and is doing in our lives.

Thank you for all your love, prayers and your gifts as we have the opportunity to continue to follow His calling in our lives.

In the love of Christ,
Elizabeth Mativo

*  We need a feeding center where we can go during the time of rains, hot sun and winds.

* Wisdom in leading the ministry.

* Faithful and generous partners like you.

* Financial support to keep children in school while also having enough to restore my house after damage from the rains.

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100% of your donation goes to Kenya!

Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry