Friday, November 4, 2016

Lives Changed, Glory to God

Lives Changed, Glory to God

By Dawn Brown

Some of you may remember a prayer request a while back, about one of our teens being hit by a motorcycle.  Since most people of Mbooni don’t have cars and there’s no mass transit, entrepreneurs give motorcycle rides to people traveling a distance.  You can be walking along a dirt road when one of these bikes will go whizzing by.

The girl, Syokau, who was hit, had no broken bones, but was in a lot of pain with cuts and bruises to her arms, legs, hands, and face.  In spite of her pain, Elizabeth said Syokau continued to be a good helper to her with the ministry.  

She and her widowed mother are again, going through some very difficult times.  As I was praying for them, I began to think about all the changes in their lives, because of God using your prayers and donations to Child Arise.

Syokau is a close neighbor to Elizabeth.  Her father died when she was very young.  Her family was involved in making and selling illegal alcohol for years.  Church was never a consideration for them. Elizabeth and Pastor Mativo have always been very kind to her and her family.  After Pastor Mativo died, Syokau was caught more than once, stealing from Elizabeth.

She always wanted to be around Elizabeth and at one point, she even lived with her, but she had no moral compass to guide her actions.  Even while living with her, Syokau continued to take things.  Elizabeth had to ask her to leave, but she didn’t give up on this wayward girl who needed Jesus.  In time, with Elizabeth’s loving discipline, godly example, Bible teaching and not giving up on a rebellious girl, Syokau became a believer!
Elizabeth Mativo & Syokau

Her widowed mother, Munyic Mukusa, through this ministry, has put her faith and trust in the Lord too.  She took rigorous Bible classes at the local church, was baptized, and has been an important part of the ladies group, meeting with them regularly at the Child Arise prayer and Bible study.  At her baptism, she gave Elizabeth the honor of choosing her new Christian name, Dorcas.

Dorcas & Elizabeth

When Elizabeth was staying with us in the United States last fall, I was asking her about Dorcas.  On our 2012 trip, our team really enjoyed our visit to her home and loved her infectious smile.  She was so full of joy!  We seemed to meet her along the mountain trails often and she was always working so hard.
Our team meeting Dorcas along the mountain trail

Dorcas & our team member, Anna Diaz

Elizabeth told me about the changes she’s seen in Dorcas.  Before becoming a Jesus follower, Elizabeth said she caused so much trouble in the community.  She spread rumors, yelled offensive things at people and was always looking to start a fight, verbal or physical.

At one of the Child Arise women’s fellowships, Dorcas told the other ladies she can no longer even think of living like she did in the past.  She said she represents Jesus now and it would break her heart to cause damage to His reputation by acting the way she did for so many years.  She continues to grow in her faith and she’s been delight to the other ladies.

A few weeks ago, Dorcas suffered a massive stroke.  There is no medical care for her.  They are very poor and even though they are both hard workers, they can’t really meet their basic needs of food and shelter, let alone a doctor.  Dorcas can only lay on her mattress now.  She can’t move.  She can’t walk outside to the hole in the ground surrounded by corn stalks, which is their “toilet”.
Cornstalks & weeds are used around the hole in the ground for privacy

Elizabeth, Syokau and some of the other widowed women in the ministry, regularly visit Dorcas to pray with her and to move her arms and legs in hopes of her regaining her abilities.  Please pray for these cherished women of God, our sisters in Christ. 
Dorcas after stroke, another woman in the ministry & Elizabeth Mativo

Dorcas after stroke & Syokau

Our prayers have an effect on what’s happening in Mbooni.  When we pray for widowed women like Dorcas and orphaned children like Syokau, and the ministry of Elizabeth Mativo, lives are being changed.  We will meet them in Heaven someday!
Many Bibles have been give to those who are thirsty for God's Word

Elizabeth can share the Gospel with the widowed women and orphaned children in her area, but the financial impact we have is so helpful to draw them. 

Many of the kids would initially never come to the Bible lessons if they didn’t know they would get food.  The poorest of these orphaned children probably wouldn’t get to high school without sponsorship from Child Arise.  The community wouldn’t have clean water without The Well for Life borehole.  Although our focus is not medical, in extreme need, we have been able to provide a doctor’s care.  These things could not happen without your generosity!  All in the name of Jesus! 
Little girls coming for clean water

Without the material financial support, widowed women like Dorcas and orphaned children like Syokau, would have less reason to come to Elizabeth, where she can meet some of their physical needs while meeting the spiritual needs they may not realize they have.  Your prayers and donations are not only helping our brothers and sisters in Christ.  They are also drawing people into His Kingdom!


Pray for the children who will be taking exams.  Nthenya and Mutiso will be taking exams to see if they qualify for college or technical school.  Several are testing to see if they can go to high school.

Due to the teacher’s strike earlier this year, the children will have a longer year end vacation.  Please pray that we can use this time to reach them for the Lord and strengthen their faith and understanding.

Please pray for the construction of the building where we can hold ministry and be out of the weather.
Continue to pray for our new church plant.  It is growing. 

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100% of your donation goes to Kenya!

Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry


Sunday, August 14, 2016

Evangelism Church Plant / House Repair Rebuild

Evangelism & Church Planting

By Dawn Brown

Elizabeth Mativo visited the US in 2009-2010. Her godly, kind, loving, church planter, missionary partner, pastor, beloved husband had died in 2008. It was during that visit when she told my husband, Jeff, and I about how the Lord was turning her mourning into a ministry. 

As she struggled to find peace and comfort from the Lord, she was inviting other widowed women to pray and search the scriptures with her. Many of them were raising orphaned children. We knew the Lord wanted us to be a part of what He was doing in her area of Mbooni, Kenya.

During her stay, she attended our church with us. She partnered in all the ministries we were involved in at our church and in our community. She learned a lot from all of us here, and we learned many lessons from her.

When she returned to Kenya, she decided to start a Sunday School for the children, like what she’d experienced here. Her local African Inland Church agreed and joined with Child Arise by renting a small building to hold the class. They provided the building and Child Arise provided a light breakfast. The building was quickly jammed full of kids, learning about the Lord!

The only problem was the building was quite far away from the church, especially for us American’s when we visited. Some of us were very tired after going up and down all those mountain trails. When Sunday School was over, it meant more trails in the opposite direction to get to the church for worship service!

Elizabeth, a trained and experienced church planter missionary and woman’s pastor with African Inland Church (AIC), was approached by AIC leadership about a church plant in the area of the Child Arise Sunday School Class. It had generated so much attention in that area, because of all the children who were trusting in the Lord and being baptized.

Elizabeth and the new pastor have been visiting the homes of these Sunday School kids and inviting families and neighbors to the new church plant. The new church is beginning to grow! If it had not been for the Child Arise Sunday School’s “inconvenient” location, who knows how long it would take for this area to be reached for the Lord! It’s so amazing to see how God works!

Child Arises, because of the efforts of children here in the United States, was able to provide a brand new Bible to every man, women and youth in this new budding church! 

I hope you are as encouraged and excited as I am, to be a part of such an important ministry in the lives of so many! We may not know them here, but we will worship together in Heaven!

House Repair/Rebuild

by Dawn Brown

“I call my house, “Miracle House!” When I came home from America, I found my house with no way to live in it, because it wasn’t safe. When it was collapsing I had no idea how to do anything to fix it. I thank God for all who have donated and I thank each of you too. God has provided for my house to be completed soon and all the children have been able to stay in school and we have kept up with the Bible lessons and the meals. It’s a miracle! Miracle House!” Elizabeth Mativo.

On Sat, Aug 6th, Elizabeth’s family and pastor friends joined together for a meal and a time of prayer and thanksgiving when they dedicated the house to the Lord.

Her house is so beautiful! It is in the same "footprint" of the house that was destroyed; same rooms, etc. Maybe as much as 75% of the house had to be rebuilt because of the structural damage to the roof, walls and floor, along with deep water flowing through her house for so long. It's basically the same house, but because so much of it is new construction, it is so much more beautiful! She is so thankful and feeling so blessed. 

Elizabeth has been living in the temporary shelter set up for her by the builder. She had a roof over her head, but the wind, cold and mosquitoes couldn’t be kept out. It's winter over there so she's pretty cold. Winter nights can get down into the 40s.

Another praise in the midst of all the trials, with the giving hearts of our donors, we have been able to keep every child in school and the Bible lessons with the feeding program have continued too! It has been SO AMAZING! Once again, God has shown me that this is HIS ministry, not Dawn's and that HE will provide.

He is Jehovah Jireh The Lord Provides! El Roi God Who Sees! Jehovah Shammah The Lord is There! El Shaddai Almighty God Our All-Sufficient Supply!

“God is good and when we look back I can only testify of His faithfulness. The reconstruction of my damaged house could not have happened by our own strength but only by God. Life is full of challenges, but it is only then that we get to experience Gods love for us.”~Elizabeth Mativo 


The children have missed some school this year, due to teacher’s strikes and schools not open.  They are on trimester break now.  Pray that school will start in September, as scheduled.

Pray for my daughter, my mom & some of the widows who are struggling with their health.

Pray for new believers to be strong in their faith & more to follow the Lord.


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100% of your donation goes to Kenya!

Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry