Friday, July 10, 2015

Nzilani ~ New Feeding Center

The Girl In The Pink Sweater

By Dawn Brown


She’s “the girl in the pink sweater”.  I’m always stuck by the fact that Elizabeth often explains who someone is by describing their clothing.  Since many don’t have a change of clothes, the easiest way for me to find them in the pictures I get over the years, is by describing the color they wear. 

Nzilani’s mom went to Nairobi looking for work, selling goods through the traffic in Nairobi, which is something common among men in Mbooni.  In 2011, her mother was killed, along with about 100 others, in the Nairobi Sinai Slum pipeline explosion/fire.  Her dad is an alcoholic and does odd jobs.
Similar to the work Nzilani's mother did in Nairobi 

Late last year, Elizabeth asked me to pray for wisdom.  Nzilani had asked Elizabeth if she could move in with her because she didn’t like living with her dad.   Although Elizabeth has had several of the orphaned girls living with her over the years, she has all the responsibilities of Child Arise, plus her work on her farm.  Elizabeth also believes if a child has a living parent or grandparent, it’s best for the child to stay with a family member.

Later Elizabeth wrote, “She came to me crying at night saying that her dad had beaten her.  I didn’t know what to think.  When I realized she had bruises, I decided to let her stay with me.  The dad has never bother to come looking for her, yet their homestead is not far from mine.  She goes to school consistently now, with paid school fees and a school uniform.

Elizabeth found relatives who were willing to take Nzilani’s younger sisters, but Nzilani begged to stay with Elizabeth.

In January, Elizabeth writes, “It’s a challenge because she hasn’t been living under instructions and care of a mother, but instead, she’s been a mother to herself and her sisters.  There’s a lot to be done about her character and teach her more about God as she lives under my care.  Pray for the Lord to shed a light unto me where she needs correction and discipline and also that the Lord may reach out to her father to come to know the Lord.  I thank God for bringing her to me, that I may teach her the word of God.”

Currently, Nzilani is enjoying going to school and church.  Elizabeth now says, “She is a very jolly girl and loves singing.   Apart from that, she is also obedient and listens to me.”

Thank you for supporting Child Arise.  You are making such a difference in the lives of these widowed women and orphaned children! 

(In worldwide orphan ministry an orphan is a child who has lost one or both parents.  This is true in Mbooni, although most of our children have lost both parents.)

Faith, Hope, Prayer

By Dawn Brown


We are so thankful for how the Lord has provided over the years and allowed us to serve Him by caring for some of the most neglected and ostracized people in Mbooni, the widowed women and orphaned children.  He has provided through you and your generosity and we are so grateful!  It has been a big job, often exhausting for Elizabeth, but at the same time she finds great joy in serving.

Our numbers have grown over the years and currently, we have up to 100 orphaned children and 50 widowed women who are a part of our Bible lesson, prayer and meal gatherings.  It has proven to be a very impactful time in their lives as they are learning of Jesus and His love for them, growing in their faith, feeling His love and knowing they are not forgotten.   

As the ministry has grown, it has become increasingly difficult to have these gatherings at Elizabeth’s home.  It’s hard to accommodate such large numbers of energetic children and prepare a meal for so many people in her yard.  Elizabeth has also faced security and safety issues over recent years because of the attention the ministry has brought.


As an officially approved NGO (non-governmental organization) Charity with the Kenyan government, it is a requirement that we have a building.  After much prayer by the Board of Directors in Kenya and the Board here, we believe it is time to take another step of faith.

With your continued help, prayer and finances, we hope to begin construction on the Child Arise Kenya Widows and Orphans Feeding Center!  Elizabeth and the Mativo family have donated land near the African Inland Church for this purpose.

Our hope and prayer is that we will be able to raise funds for this much needed building and at the same time, be able to continue to consistently keep the twenty two poorest orphaned children in school, provide the meal at the Bible lessons, breakfast at the children’s Sunday School class and send a small amount of helpful food home with the poorest widowed women caring for orphaned children and those who are sick. 

We trust the Lord will provide!  We thank you for your continued support!

Prayer Requests From Elizabeth Mativo

My heartfelt condolences and indeed the whole Child Arise Kenyan Foundation Board (NGO) for the loss of Carnie Wilkerson, husband of Velma (The Well For Life), and one of your Board supporters and wish to console with Velma and the family and yourselves and pray for GOD'S favor and that the Lord walks with Velma and family during this difficult time.  The good works shall follow them forever especially at Mbooni. 
Pray that the children will continue to do well in school.  Pray that they will be alert for their lessons and they will not be given too much work in the homes.  Pray that they will let the Lord carry their burdens, as they are many.  May they know that every good gift comes from the Lord.

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Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232

309-798-2596 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting

Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry