Friday, November 27, 2015

PROJECT CHRISTMAS JOY!~Give A Gift That Will Change A Life

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100% of your donation goes to Kenya!

Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry


Saturday, September 26, 2015

How much would you need to give to actually HELP?

How much would you need to give
to actually HELP?

By Dawn Brown

In amazing ways that only God can do, He has given me a part in Child Arise Kenya Widows & Orphans Ministry.  Not many know about this ministry.  Think about it.  YOU know of the work that He is doing through Elizabeth Mativo.  To me, that in itself is a miracle.  Ask yourself WHY you have heard.  Most likely, you are already playing a part in the lives of the women and children in Mbooni, Kenya.  THANK YOU!

Can YOU make a difference?  Yes, you.  Do you think you can’t afford to be a blessing to someone in need?  Think again!  YOU CAN!  You CAN be a help to others.  You ARE making a difference!

Naom received a Bible because someone cared enough to donate $12.  To children who get a $12 Bible, that makes a difference in their life!  She has The Word of God!  In addition, she learns that someone cares about her. 

Ruth, a widowed woman took home some flour, sugar, rice and oil to supplement the food she provides for the orphaned children in her care because someone like you donated $21.  Food is important, wouldn’t you agree?  Ruth also learns that someone values her in a culture where widowed women have no value.

With $13, three orphaned children, like Mwongeli, Nziln and Mwikali, received all they could eat at one of our feeding programs held on Saturdays.  A full tummy may only happen at these Saturday events.  They learn that God has not forgotten them and neither have His people.

For the widowed women, like Ngila, who were given farming tools at a cost of $34, it makes a difference.  She gained the dignity of working to provide some of her own food and is modeling hard, honest work to the eight orphaned  great grandchildren in her care.  As a new believer, she’s learning that she is part of the world wide church of The Lord.

These may seem like small things (or small dollars) to you, but they are not small for the people who receive them.   I have been in awe of what God has done through His little group of faithful, giving, believers. 

We have roughly 125 donors every year.  Some come, some go, and some have been with us since the beginning.  We have donors that give larger amounts and donors that give smaller amounts, but they give! 

The Bible tells us:
“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.” Psalm 82:3

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” James 1:27

God’s word is clear.  He intends for His people to care for widows and orphans.  The question is; how do we practically do that?  Some of you may be called to be foster parents or adopt children out of the foster care system and some of you may be called to adopt children from overseas.  I can’t think of a better way to care for orphans than to make them NOT an orphan!

However, many of us will never adopt, and many orphans are not free to be adopted, like the orphans of Child Arise.  Does that mean God’s word about widows and orphans isn’t for us?  Of course not.  His word about the fatherless, still applies.  There’s no disclaimer.  If God has adopted you into His family through salvation found in Jesus Christ, you are responsible to fulfill His call to care for widows and orphans.

Because of the overwhelming, worldwide need, you might be tempted to turn away and not do anything.  Don’t fall to that temptation. 

Recognize the need of the orphan.  My prayer is that today, you will let yourself feel their need and then you will do something by caring for them in practical ways and of eternal value.  Do something for the sake of the orphan.  God has given us the call to ease the suffering of the widows and orphans.  Will you answer that call?

Prayer Requests
* Praise God!  I am currently in the United States visiting family, thanking supporters and giving updates on the ministry.   
(If you would like to meet with Elizabeth, please contact us.)

* We have a pressing need.  We have grown so much.  There are too many children to meet outside when we have our activities, lessons and meals.  We need somewhere that we can meet inside with the children.  We need to hide ourselves in a building, from the rains and the sun.  Pray for the provision so the Child Arise Feeding Center can be built.

* Pray for the ministry in Kenya, while I am here in the United States. 


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100% of your donation goes to Kenya!

Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry