Thursday, June 19, 2014

Our World, Their World, The REAL World.

Our World, Their World, The REAL World.  The REAL Gospel

By Dawn Brown

The world you & I live in is so very different than the world where the women & children of Child Arise live.  Our American world, gives us a much distorted view of the REAL world, the world where the majority of humanity lives.
Every 4 seconds in the REAL world, a child dies from a preventable cause.  If you earn $40,000 per year, you make more than 99% of the people in the world & if you make just $13,000 per year, you are in the top 10%!  My guess is that most reading this are at least in the top 10%.
Do you follow the REAL Gospel?  Many of us in the United States call ourselves Christians because we’ve made a decision to accept Christ as our Savior.  That’s very important, but there is so much more.  The REAL Gospel is not just “fire insurance” or a “sin management program”.  It’s the entire story of Jesus given to us in the Bible.  He showed us how we are to live with His words & by being the example.
We are to live our lives differently than how we lived before we trusted Jesus to be our Savior.  “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, are the words He gave us in what we call The Lord’s Prayer.  God’s “will be done on earth”.  That means here & now!
His Word tells us that the rich are to share with the poor; being generous with our money & our belongings.  The healthy will care for the sick.  The strong will protect the weak & seek justice for those who are marginalized & treated poorly.  God’s followers should have character traits of compassion, mercy, justice & love above & beyond those who do not have His Holy Spirit dwelling in them.
In their world, Ruth, a widowed elderly lady takes care of 3 children whose parents have died.  Two of the kids are seriously disabled & can’t take care of themselves at all.  They are older, but not potty trained, among many other problems.  How hard that must be for her with no income, no public services, no running water.
Ruth & 2 special needs orphans she cares for.

Widows Group praising God.
Ruth & Katheu, the child who is abled, say they praise God for Child Arise.  Katheu is thankful to be in school now.  Ruth says she gets so much encouragement from the Widows Group, Bible studies & prayer times.  This family has received food & blankets from Child Arise too & they are grateful.

Widowed woman explains to American team how important the
Widows Group is to encourage each other in the Lord.

In their world, widows are not treated well at all.  They are less than “second class citizens”.  Rhoda, a widow, receives no material help from Child Arise, but says she is blessed abundantly by the difference Elizabeth Mativo has made in her life with the Widows Group teaching & fellowship.

Beatrice (right) is thankful for her goat.
In their world, there are very few jobs, if any.  Beatrice is one of the younger widows.  Her young husband died in his sleep many years ago.  She raises their 17 year old son alone, trying to find work to provide for them, but it’s never enough for 2 meals a day & his school fees.  Beatrice is always at the church or Widows Group when there’s a time of prayer.  She loves the Lord & praises Him for the goat she received through Child Arise.
Has God filled you with love & concern for those living in poverty?  Does your heart break when you hear about the needs of the poor widows & orphans in Mbooni?  Has He given you a desire to help the women & children of Child Arise?  We need YOU!  THEY need YOU!

Mia Reynolds & her grandma made pot holders & sold them for Child Arise
Children have helped Child Arise.  A girl made pot holders & sold them, donating it all to Child Arise.  We’ve had kids sell their garden produce, do bake sales, sell bottled water at garage sales & hold lemonade stands.  They told others about the kids in Mbooni who will be helped.  Vacation Bible Schools have given their offering.  These kids are seeing something greater than themselves.  They are caring about the needs of others.

Sami, their friend, Mary & Joe Dailing sold baked goods & bottled water at their mom’s garage sale & made a display to explain the need for clean water, food & education.
The 5th Annual Bike Ride Fundraiser just took place.  Riders ask for donations for riding, to support this ministry.  God put it on the hearts of 3 women to start this fundraiser.  They had no idea how to do it, but they began.  They followed God’s leading.  They continue to be used by God & are dedicated in DOING something for these women & children.
Lori Rice, Abby Benevidez & Kelene Henning head the Bike Ride fundraiser.
We need more who are willing to come along side us to raise awareness of the needs of these precious ones & the work the Lord is doing through Elizabeth Mativo.  Pray & ask God how He wants you to be involved.
Invite friends to your house to hear about the needs?  What about your Bible study group, Sunday school class or co-workers?  Hold a dessert fund raiser at your church?  Host a yard sale with proceeds going to Child Arise?  Ask God what your roll should be & call us to discuss it.  The possibilities are endless!
Prayer Requests From Missionary Elizabeth Mativo
U The children are just getting back to school after the trimester break.  I am so thankful for the donors who provide the funds for some of them to go to school.
U Pray for Nzioka.  He was top student in our entire district on National exams.  He is doing well in his first year of high school.  He has to change buses many times & it’s very far away, so he doesn’t get to come back to Mbooni to see his grandmother.
U Praise God.  The new high school students are adjusting well & doing good in school.  The boy far away from Mbooni is doing fine.
U I have been sick for 3 months.  I had malaria & now pneumonia.  I have medicine, but it is taking a long time to get well.  I am able to continue with the ministry because it is not bad enough to have to stop.  Praise God for that!
U Pray for funds for a tanker truck to carry the water from our borehole to all the schools, businesses and homes.  There are people who need it, but it’s too far from them and we have plenty of water, but no way to get it to there.
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Donations can be made to

Child Arise Kenya

Widows & Orphans Ministry

827 5 Ave Dr W, Andalusia IL 61232


Child Arise Kenya is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax-exempt ministry